hrp0094p2-166 | Diabetes and insulin | ESPE2021

How Does Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems Effect Metabolic Control In Type 1 Diabetes: Single Center Experience

Arslan Emrullah , ER Eren , Demir Gunay , Isiklar Hafize , Atik Altinok Yasemin , Ozen Samim , Darcan Sukran , Goksen Damla ,

Introduction: Continuous Glucose Monitoring System (CGMS) takes place increasingly in the daily routines of diabetic patients. It has been shown that metabolic control improves when CGMS is used consistently. We aimed to show the effect of CGMS in patients using MDI therapyMaterials - Methods: All patients using multiple-dose insulin therapy at our center and continued their regular follow-up and using CGMS for at least three months were...